Friday 15 July 2005






RACE   TOTAL        CLUB                              TEAM                     STAGE      STAGE  POS.

POS.    TIME          NAME                            NAME                    TIME        POS.      +/-


1          23:46          Abbey Runners               Abbey Men             23:46        1

2         24:00          Keighley & Craven AC      Billie No Mates       24:00        2

3         24:42          Skipton AC                     A                            24:42        3

4         26:02          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Panthers        26:02        4

5         26:27          St Bede's AC                  'A'                         26:27        5

6         26:32          Otley AC                        Challengers              26:32        6

7         26:50          Ilkley H                         The Five Woods       26:50        7

8         27:07          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Green'        27:07        8

9         27:17          Otley AC                        Over 35s                27:17         9

10        27:39          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Blue'           27:39        10

11         27:54          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Wildcats       27:54        11

12        28:30          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 4        28:30        12

13        28:49          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Colts             28:49        13

14        28:50          Kirkstall H                      KH1                        28:50        14

15        28:51          Otley AC                        Youngsters              28:51         15

16        28:55          Skipton AC                     B                            28:55        16

17        29:12          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 3        29:12         17

18        29:48          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Red'           29:48        18

19        31:41           Abbey Runners               Abbey Ladies          31:41         19

20       32:33          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Fat Lads        32:33        20

21        32:48          Kirkstall H                      KH2                        32:48        21

22       32:51          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Lions             32:51         22

23       32:53          St Bede's AC                  'B'                          32:53        23

24       33:49          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 2        33:49        24

25=      34:34          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 1         34:34        25=

25=      34:34          Skipton AC                     C                            34:34        25=

27       35:51          Otley AC                        Over 45s                35:51         27




RACE   TOTAL        CLUB                              TEAM                     STAGE      STAGE  POS.

POS.    TIME          NAME                            NAME                    TIME        POS.      +/-


1          42:20          Skipton AC                     A                            17:38         2           + 2

2         43:44          Abbey Runners               Abbey Men             19:58         3           - 1

3         44:03          Otley AC                        Challengers              17:31         1            + 3

4         44:11           Keighley & Craven AC      Billie No Mates       20:11         4           - 2

5         46:14          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Panthers        20:12         5           - 1

6         47:58          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Green'        20:51         8           + 2

7         48:06          St Bede's AC                  'A'                         21:39         9           - 2

8         48:13          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Blue'           20:34        6           + 2

9         49:18          Ilkley H                         The Five Woods       22:28        12          - 2

10        51:11            Otley AC                        Youngsters              22:20        10=        + 5

11         51:15           Skipton AC                     B                            22:20        10=        + 5

12        51:44          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Colts             22:55        13          + 1

13        51:51           Ilkley H                         Ilkley Wildcats       23:57        15          - 2

14        52:19          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 4        23:49        14          - 2

15        52:29          Abbey Runners               Abbey Ladies          20:48        7           + 4

16        52:42          Otley AC                        Over 35s                25:25        20         - 7

17        53:33          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 3        24:21         16          0

18        56:01          Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Red'           26:13         22         0

19        57:19          St Bede's AC                  'B'                          24:26        17          + 4

20       57:47          Kirkstall H                      KH1                        28:57        26         - 6

21        58:02          Kirkstall H                      KH2                        25:14         19          0

22       59:03          Ilkley H                         Ilkley Fat Lads        26:30        23         - 2

23       59:30          Skipton AC                     C                            24:56        18          + 2

24       1h 01:26      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 1         26:52        24         + 1

25       1h 01:49      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 2        28:00        25         - 1

26       1h 01:51       Otley AC                        Over 45s                26:00        21          + 1

27       1h 02:58      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Lions             30:07        27         - 5





RACE   TOTAL        CLUB                              TEAM                     STAGE      STAGE  POS.

POS.    TIME          NAME                            NAME                    TIME        POS.      +/-


1          1h 04:42      Skipton AC                     A                            22:22        1            0

2         1h 06:54      Otley AC                        Challengers              22:51         2           + 1

3         1h 07:21      Abbey Runners               Abbey Men             23:37        4           - 1

4         1h 07:35      Keighley & Craven AC      Billie No Mates       23:24        3           0

5         1h 11:04       Ilkley H                         Ilkley Panthers        24:50        5           0

6         1h 17:45      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Wildcats       25:54        8           + 7

7         1h 18:17       Ilkley H                         The Five Woods       28:59        11           + 2

8         1h 19:21       Ilkley H                         Ilkley Colts             27:37        9           + 4

9         1h 20:04      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Green'        32:06        16          - 3

10        1h 20:54      Skipton AC                     B                            29:39        13          + 1

11         1h 21:00      Abbey Runners               Abbey Ladies          28:31         10          + 4

12        1h 21:28      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Red'           25:27        7           + 6

13        1h 22:44      Kirkstall H                      KH1                        24:57        6           + 7

14        1h 22:58      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Blue'           34:45        25         - 6

15        1h 24:01      Otley AC                        Youngsters              32:50        19          - 5

16        1h 24:42      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 4        32:23        17          - 2

17        1h 26:53      Otley AC                        Over 35s                34:11         23         - 1

18        1h 27:20      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 3        33:47        22         - 1

19        1h 28:16      Kirkstall H                      KH2                        30:14         14          + 2

20       1h 28:40      St Bede's AC                  'B'                          31:21         15          - 1

21        1h 32:02      St Bede's AC                  'A'                         43:56        27         - 14

22       1h 32:19      Skipton AC                     C                            32:49        18          + 1

23       1h 32:21      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Lions             29:23        12          + 4

24       1h 32:27      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Fat Lads        33:24        20         - 2

25       1h 35:08      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 1         33:42        21          - 1

26       1h 36:04      Otley AC                        Over 45s                34:13         24         0

27       1h 40:14      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 2        38:25        26         - 2





RACE   TOTAL        CLUB                              TEAM                     STAGE      STAGE  POS.

POS.    TIME          NAME                            NAME                    TIME        POS.      +/-


1          1h 24:18      Skipton AC                     A                            19:36         2           0

2         1h 25:20      Otley AC                        Challengers              18:26         1            0

3         1h 27:14      Abbey Runners               Abbey Men             19:53         3           0

4         1h 27:57      Keighley & Craven AC      Billie No Mates       20:22        4           0

5         1h 31:51       Ilkley H                         Ilkley Panthers        20:47        5           0

6         1h 40:41      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Colts             21:20         7           + 2

7         1h 40:47      Ilkley H                         The Five Woods       22:30        12=        0

8         1h 41:43      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Wildcats       23:58        18=        - 2

9         1h 43:26      Skipton AC                     B                            22:32        14          + 1

10        1h 44:59      Abbey Runners               Abbey Ladies          23:58        18=        + 1

11         1h 46:45      Otley AC                        Youngsters              22:44        15          + 4

12        1h 47:04      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Green'        27:00        26         - 3

13        1h 47:20      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Red'           25:52        23         - 1

14        1h 47:58      Kirkstall H                      KH1                        25:14         22         - 1

15        1h 49:02      Abbey Runners               Abbey 'Blue'           26:04        24         - 1

16        1h 49:23      Otley AC                        Over 35s                22:30        12=        + 1

17        1h 49:43      St Bede's AC                  'B'                          21:03         6           + 3

18        1h 51:28      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 4        26:46        25         - 2

19        1h 52:20      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 3        25:00        20         - 1

20       1h 53:29      Kirkstall H                      KH2                        25:13         21          - 1

21        1h 53:50      St Bede's AC                  'A'                         21:48         9           0

22       1h 53:53      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Fat Lads        21:26         8           + 2

23       1h 54:14      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Lions             21:53         10          0

24       1h 54:16      Skipton AC                     C                            21:57         11           - 2

25       1h 58:43      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 1         23:35        16          0

26       1h 59:50      Otley AC                        Over 45s                23:46        17          0

27       2h 12:20      Ilkley H                         Ilkley Ladies 2        32:06        27         0